The art of writing speeches
Writing effective speeches is an art. One which has its own set of rules, protocols and perspectives. Siyathetha’s speech-writing process includes:
- Establishing the message – this is a key strategic decision. What is the message that the audience must remember at the end of the speech?
- Deciding on content – the content is informed by the message, and the strategic objectives of the speech.
- Identifying speech aids – PowerPoint, props, video clips, hand-outs all have their place. They must support the speech and the message, and not detract from the presentation.
- Preparing speech aids – Siyathetha will create the PowerPoint presentation and source props, give-aways and other necessary aids.
- Wrting for the speaker – there is no “one size fits all” template for speech-writing. Siyathetha writes the way the speaker talks naturally, and does not force them to say and act in ways that are uncomfortable for them. Including jokes in a speech is an example – very few people can tell them well, and most should not tell them at all.
- Presentation – the power of a speech is in its presentation, which Siyathetha looks at holistically – including dry runs of the equipment and props and advising on what the speaker wears on the day.
- Media release – Siyathetha Communications will prepare a media release from the contents of the speech and distribute this to the media in attendance, as well as other publications which may find the content interesting.